Quality A-Z Index
Below is an alphabetical list of useful links to help you find what you need on the Quality website.
Please note the following key links:
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W-X
- Y-Z
Admissions Policy (contextual)
Annual programme monitoring - procedure
Annual programme monitoring - forms
Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy and Procedure for Students
APL / RPL - (please see R in the A-Z)
Appeals procedure Ìý(see also the Student Guide to Academic Appeals)
Application procedure for doctoral degrees
Application procedure for taught courses
Awards of the University (list of degree types and criteria)
Calendars (University calendar and list of committee dates)
(Harvard referencing) (²ÝÝ®ÉçÇø login required)
Collaborations - list of international teaching partnersÌý
Collaborations - list of UK Further Education College teaching partners
Collaborations - other UK teaching partners
Collaborations -Ìýoperational manual
Collaborations - regulations
Committees - summary of committee approval processes
Committees - membership and remit
Committees - contacts
Committees - structure
Committees - (Intranet link)
Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP):
Unacceptable Behaviour when complaining
Contextual Admissions Policy
Credit Rating procedure (for external programmes not awarded by ²ÝÝ®ÉçÇø)
CV template - academic staff
Dates - see Academic Calendars and Committee Dates
Degrees (list of degree types and criteria for award)
Discipline Procedure (students)
Double marking policy - see Assessment Regulations Part A Section 5
Employability Strategy 2021 - 2026
(²ÝÝ®ÉçÇø research outputs)
Essential information for students
(Intranet link)
Extenuating Circumstances -
Extenuating Circumstances Policy
External Examiners - forms (appointment, extension, reallocation)
External Examiners - handbook
External Examiners - Induction Material for New Examiners
External Examiners - regulations
Fitness to Practise Policy (healthcare programmes)
Fitness to Practise Policy (ITE)
Fitness to Study Policy and Procedure
Forms - external examiners
Forms - module evaluation and annual monitoring
Forms - new programmes and modules
Forms - RPL / APL
Forms - research degrees
Forms - research ethics
Forms - validation and review
Grade descriptors - see appendix to Assessment Regulations
Graduate School Academic Board (Intranet site)
Guidelines - Assessment and feedback
Guidelines - Extenuating circumstances
Guidelines - Personal Academic Tutors
Guidelines - Plagiarism
Guidelines - PhD examination
Guidelines - Professional Doctorate examination
Student Handbooks (programme and School level) - see relevant Hub administration sites
Health and Safety Committee (Intranet site)
The (Virtual Learning Environment)
Marking and moderation policy - see Assessment Regulations Part A, section 5
Marks and performance - criteria for each grade - see appendix to Assessment Regulations
Masters degree regulations
Membership of committees - see individual Intranet sites under
Module change form / new module form
Module evaluation announcements standard wording
New programmes - process for development and approval
Scottish Public Services
(Privy Council order establishing ²ÝÝ®ÉçÇø)
Partners - general partnership information
Partners (International Teaching Partners/TNEPs) - list of international teaching partners
Partners (UK Further Education College Partners) - list of FE college teaching partners
Partners (Other UK) - list of other UK teaching partners
Partners - operational manual for collaborative programmes
Personal Academic Tutoring policy - policy (policy currently under review)
Personal Academic Tutoring - template for initial meeting
Personal Academic Tutoring - template for subsequent meetings
Personal Academic Tutoring - student leaflet
Personal Academic Tutoring - PAT Staff Guide
Personal Academic Tutoring - Frequently Asked Questions
PhD - forms
Plagiarism - Guidance for staff and students
Policies (general)
Professional Doctorate - forms
Professional Doctorate Regulations (new from September 2016)
Professional Doctorate Regulations (updated September 2015)
Programme Approval Form (²ÝÝ®ÉçÇø-delivered programmes)
Programme Approval Form (collaborative programmes)
Programme management (responsibilities, committees, regulations)
Programme planning (development, monitoring and review)
Programme specification - template
Review - see Validation and Review
Senate - standing orders
Student (Effective) Learning Service
Student Pregnancy and Maternity Policy
Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Taught Postgraduate Guidance - the Taught Postgraduate Guidance replaces the former Taught Postgraduate Framework. It is available as an Appendix to the Validation and Review Guidance Notes for Programme Teams. Please refer to the or contact Dawn Martin, Assistant Secretary, Governance and Quality Enhancement, for further information.
Unacceptable Behaviour Policy (Complaints)
Undergraduate graduate attributes
University Court - standing orders
Validation and review - regulations, forms and templates
Virtual Learning Environment - the
Vivas - guidance for PhD examiners