
Applying to university is a big step, but the UCAS application process doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By breaking it down into clear stages, you can stay on track and submit a strong application with confidence.

This guide will walk you through each step—from registering with UCAS to securing references—so you can feel prepared every step of the way. Before submitting your application, you might want to read our guide for making a successful UCAS application to ensure your application is the best it can be! 

1. Register with UCAS

Go to the , complete the registration questions, and confirm your study level as 'Undergraduate.' Once registered, you'll be taken to your dashboard where you can start your application.

2. Complete your details

You must fill out all mandatory sections before submitting your application, but you can save your progress and return to it at any time. Keep your email address up-to-date to receive important updates, and provide information about your residency status, personal circumstances, and financial plans. If applying through a school, remember to add your buzzword so they can track your progress and provide support. 

3. Add your educational history

Enter all your qualifications from secondary school onwards, including any pending results, as universities use this to assess whether you meet entry requirements. If you're resitting exams, list both the original and resit results, making sure to note your attendance dates and indicate if you're part-time. If you're unsure about which qualifications to include, especially for vocational courses, reach out to your school or UCAS for guidance. 

4. Complete your employment history

Enter details of up to five paid jobs, including company names, job descriptions, and dates. Do not include unpaid or voluntary work here—save that for your personal statement. If you have no paid work experience, simply leave this section blank and mark it as complete. 

5. Select your course choices

You can choose up to five courses. There’s no preference order and your universities/colleges won’t see where else you’ve applied until after you reply to any offers you get. 

6. Write a personal statement

Your undergraduate personal statement is your chance to stand out and show off the unique talents and experiences that make you, well, you! It’s a key part of the application process because it lets you share your passions and what drives you—beyond just your grades. 

For applications in 2026, the personal statement will follow a three questions structure that will include: 

Question 1 Why do you want to study this course or subject? 

Question 2 How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject? 

Question 3 What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful? 

The UCAS website is full of helpful information on and what to include and what not to include. 

Having a family member, friend or careers advisor read through your personal statement and provide feedback is a great idea. They may spot small mistakes or suggest ideas you may not have thought of! 

7. Secure your references & submit your application 

You will need to provide a reference for your UCAS application. When selecting a referee, aim for an academic contact such as a tutor, guidance teacher, or careers advisor. If an academic referee isn't available, an employer can also provide a reference. Speak to your referee in advance to give them enough time to write a strong, detailed reference. Ensure they include any academic achievements, skills, or experiences not covered in your personal statement to strengthen your application.

Note: An academic reference is required for applicants who have studied within the last three years.

After that, you’re all set - You can submit your application! Remember to apply by the UCAS deadline as many courses will close immediately after it.

Once an offer is made, universities often hold offer-holder days in March or April, providing a valuable opportunity to meet academic teams, explore campus facilities, and gather essential information about student finance and support services. 

The UCAS timeline

Understanding the timeline is a great way to stay on top of everything and avoid any last-minute panic. Here’s a summary of the 2026 entry application deadlines: 

29 April 2025 UCAS search tool displays 2026 entry courses. 

13 May 2025 Undergraduate applications open for 2026 entry in UCAS Hub. 

2 September 2025 Completed undergraduate applications can be submitted to UCAS (requires a reference). 

14 January 2026 (18:00 UK time): Equal consideration date for most undergraduate courses and all courses at Queen Margaret University.

26 February 2026 Extra opens for applicants who have no offers and used all five choices. 

30 June 2026 (18:00 UK time): Final date for applications to be sent to universities; after this, applications go into Clearing. 

4 July 2026 Last day to add an Extra choice. 

5 July 2026 Clearing opens for eligible applicants and vacancies are displayed in UCAS. 

Find out more about our undergraduate courses

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